Courses and Class Schedules
The Latin American and Latino Studies Department offers the following resources to help students plan their studies. Our Tentative LALS Courses list shows our anticipated upcoming class offerings for the academic year.
The current schedule of classes section shows what we’re teaching this quarter and the upcoming quarter, and the course catalog information provides a full list of our courses. If you have questions about academic planning or course requirements, please contact our undergraduate advising or Ph.D. and Designated Emphasis advising teams.
Current schedule of classes
Course catalog
Course # | Course Title | Course Level | Units |
LALS 1 | Introduction to Latin American and Latino Studies | Lower Division1 | 5 Units |
Interdisciplinary introduction presenting the elements for studying Latin American politics and economics, culture, and society as well as the dynamics of Latino communities in the U.S. Special attention paid to issues of colonialism, human rights, U.S. foreign policy toward Latin America, racism, capitalist globalization, migration, to emerging political and economic shifts in the Americas, and to new local and transnational efforts for social change on the part of Latin America’s peoples and Latinos in the U.S. (General Education Code(s): ER.) | |||
LALS 5 | Introduction to Human Rights and Social Justice | Lower Division1 | 5 Units |
Introduces human rights as a way to study social justice. Students gain an understanding of interdisciplinary approaches to human rights as a theory, legally, and as a basis for global social movements. (General Education Code(s): PE-H.) | |||
LALS 10 | Introduction to Chicanx & Latinx Studies | Lower Division1 | 5 Units |
Introduces students to the interdisciplinary fields of Chicanx and Latinx studies through the frameworks of social justice and anti-racism. Examines the histories, current issues, and unique lived experiences in order to understand the intersectional complexities. Delves into questions of race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, indigeneity, citizenship, and belonging and illuminates the historical development by contextualizing major concepts, debates, and approaches while underscoring how these fields transform historical narratives of inequality, contextualize current realities, and can inform political change. Students engage in lively discussions to develop critical thinking skills, and to hone reading and writing skills. (General Education Code(s): ER.) | |||
LALS 15 | Truth, Justice, and Statistics | Lower Division1 | 5 Units |
Provides statistical methodological training and skills through the examination of social and cultural manifestations of truth as a tool to serve social justice efforts for Latinx and other minoritized students in the education setting. . (General Education Code(s): SR.) | |||
LALS 20 | Latino Politics | Lower Division1 | 5 Units |
Offers a domestic (U.S.) and transnational approach to Latino politics, focusing on the five largest Latino groups: Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Salvadorans, and Guatemalans. Issues addressed include Latino electoral participation, Latino public opinion, migrant political incorporation, and transnationalism among others. (General Education Code(s): ER.) | |||
LALS 30 | Social Movements in Latin America | Lower Division1 | 5 Units |
Examines contemporary social movements in Latin America, especially those that arose from popular response to different forms of social exclusion and to authoritarian political systems. Explores a variety of popular movements, their successes and setbacks, including rural and urban uprisings, native nations and their descendants, women, labor, human rights, and transnational movements. (General Education Code(s): CC.) | |||
LALS 31 | Latinx Feminisms | Lower Division1 | 5 Units |
Examines gender and feminist theories emerging from Latinx communities in the U.S. and Latin America. Provides a transnational and transborder overview of how Latinx feminisms have contributed to movements at large such as: national liberation, reproductive justice, migrant justice, indigenous movements, and the anti-violence movement. Course emphasizes a connection and relationality to how feminist movements in Latin America are informed by U.S.-Latin American politics and how feminist resistance and mobilization transcends and circulates across borders. . (General Education Code(s): ER.) | |||
LALS 32 | Citizens, Denizens, Aliens | Lower Division1 | 5 Units |
Explores theories and practices of citizenship with a focus on how institutions, such as the immigration apparatus, school, and prison, produce and shape inclusion, marginalization, exclusion, and mobility and how social actors envision and enact home and belonging. (General Education Code(s): PR-E.) | |||
LALS 33 | Central American Migration | Lower Division1 | 5 Units |
Introduces students to the topic of Central American migration through a critical and interdisciplinary lens. Explores the forces that contextualized migration to, through, and from this region during different historical moments. Students learn about key aspects of Central American history that have and continue to drive migration from the isthmus, with special attention to U.S.-bound migration from the 1970s onward. Students also learn about some of the challenges Central American migrants continue to face in their places of birth, while in transit, and once they arrive at their destinations. (General Education Code(s): CC.) | |||
LALS 39 | Queer Indigenous Histories in the Americas | Lower Division1 | 5 Units |
Introduces critical themes on queer Indigenous issues, guided by queer Indigenous history and cultural manifestations of queerness in Indigenous communities in the Americas. Drawing from colonial accounts, course focuses on exploring historical themes related to queer Indigenous relationship with their bodies and sexualities, queer Indigenous people navigating violence within colonial institutions, and the mechanisms to assimilate Indigenous gender and sexualities into the gender binary and heteronormativity. Second half of the course analyzes mechanisms of resistance to colonial violence, and the ways Indigenous communities and other communities of color understand queerness in the contemporary era in the Americas. Students develop critical thinking skills to analyze colonization and the imposition of heteronormativity on Indigenous genders and sexualities. . (General Education Code(s): CC.) | |||
LALS 40 | Latinos and Labor | Lower Division1 | 5 Units |
Explores the historical, social, economic, and political dynamics of inequality, stratification, and segmentation that shape the occupational pathways and workplace conditions of Latinos in the United States. Students learn about the structures, policies, and ideologies that influence Latinos’ working lives as well as how individuals experience their work in a variety of sectors. (General Education Code(s): ER.) | |||
LALS 45 | Intersections of Race, Class, and Gender | Lower Division1 | 5 Units |
Introduces theories of race, class, and gender which shape understandings about racial/ethnic issues in the United States. With particular attention to the experiences of U.S. racial/ethnic groups, including Latinas/os, African Americans, Asian Americans, and Native Americans, this course draws from interdisciplinary research to address how race, class, and gender are also crosscutting dynamics. (General Education Code(s): ER.) | |||
LALS 50 | Transnational Feminist Organizing in the Americas | Lower Division1 | 5 Units |
Explores key aspects of transnational feminist organizing in the Americas, including transnational feminist theories and feminist activism in Latin America and the Caribbean. Discusses how women from throughout the Americas region organize politically and socially across gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality, and nationality. (General Education Code(s): CC.) | |||
LALS 54 | Racism, Science, and Health: Colonial and Carceral Legacies | Lower Division1 | 5 Units |
Examines histories and contemporary manifestations of systemic racism, colonialism, and carcerality in the development and practice of science and medicine in the Western world, with an emphasis on how this has impacted Latinx and Latin American communities. Course draws on texts from a wide range of disciplines in the social sciences and humanities, including history of science and medicine, medical anthropology, ethnic studies, and science and technology studies. Students explore the impact of racialized bias and a lack of diversity in science and ways in which to address these deficiencies. Students also learn about efforts to integrate social justice, anti-racist, anti-colonial, and abolitionist principles and practices into the fields of science and medicine. (General Education Code(s): SI.) | |||
LALS 55 | AIDS Across the Americas | Lower Division1 | 5 Units |
Compares the response to AIDS in the United States and Latin America, with special attention to migration, human rights, activism, stigma, gender, and sexuality. Students develop a conceptual foundation to conduct a people-centered approach and cultural analysis of AIDS. (General Education Code(s): CC.) | |||
LALS 56 | The Right to Health | Lower Division1 | 5 Units |
Over the 20th century, Latin American countries experimented with the challenge of ensuring the right to health. Many of their approaches were inspired by Latin American Social Medicine, a social scientific field whose contributions remain, to this day, under-recognized in traditional public health. This course introduces the field of Latin American Social Medicine and its struggles to affirm health as a fundamental human right. Through a range of case studies, students examine how unequal social contexts and power relations shape collective health, the politics of care, and everyday experiences of illness and well-being. (General Education Code(s): CC.) | |||
LALS 56L | Laboratory in Social Medicine | Lower Division1 | 2 Units |
Offers students the opportunity to conduct experimental inquiry in the field of social medicine and to supplement the knowledge acquired in LALS 56, The Right to Health. The optional laboratory guides students through contemporary issues and debates in Latin American Social Medicine. Through a scaffolded approach, students research a current health issue in Latin America and design a collaborative original proposal to address it informed by perspectives in social medicine. Prerequisite(s): concurrent enrollment in LALS 56. (General Education Code(s): PR-E.) | |||
LALS 57 | Drugs, Addiction, and Recovery in the Americas | Lower Division1 | 5 Units |
Course moved beyond behaviorist and neurobiological examinations of drug use, addiction, and recovery to explore the social, cultural, political, and embodied contours and contexts of these phenomena among Latinx and Latin American communities. The history and consequences of punitive approaches to drug use, drug markets, addiction, and recovery in both the U.S. and Latin America and their impacts on Latinx communities are explored. Alternative approaches to punitive drug policies such as harm reduction also discussed. (General Education Code(s): PE-H.) | |||
LALS 60 | Latin American Childhoods | Lower Division1 | 5 Units |
Introduces research on childhood in contemporary Latin America. Explores discourses about Latin American children, the regional institutions shaping children’s lives, and how children experience and negotiate these larger social forces. (General Education Code(s): CC.) | |||
LALS 62 | Chicanx Education: Race, Segregation, and Advocacy | Lower Division1 | 5 Units |
This interdisciplinary course focuses on the resilience of Chicanx students by emphasizing barriers like segregation and the resistance put forward by students, families, and communities in the courts and the streets. Students are introduced to the tactics and past actions of Chicanx to confront racism and discrimination in California public schools. Also focuses on the contemporary discourse around segregation and its impact on Latinx and Chicanx educational outcomes. . (General Education Code(s): ER.) | |||
LALS 65 | Religion and Revolution in Latin America | Lower Division1 | 5 Units |
Examines the religious beliefs and practices surrounding the revolutionary movements for social change in Latin America with a particular focus on liberation theology. . (General Education Code(s): CC.) | |||
LALS 75 | Art and Social Change in Latin America: Diego Rivera | Lower Division1 | 5 Units |
Explores the works of Diego Rivera, other Mexican muralists, and the Latin American cultural movements that developed to address relevant social and political issues. (General Education Code(s): IM.) | |||
LALS 78 | Dancing in the Americas | Lower Division1 | 5 Units |
Exploration of the medium of dance through key themes in Latin American and Latino studies. Focusing on dancing bodies as bearers of socio-cultural knowledge, this class engages with and challenges notions of what dance is. Course content is divided into weekly modules that move thematically through topics including cultural encounter, colonial systems of oppression, and anti-colonial theorization of dance. Presenting critical perspectives on the role dance has played throughout the colonial period to the present, this course encourages different ways of considering the Americas as a sociological concept not bound by geography, but mobilized through dancing bodies. (Formerly offered as Anti-Colonial Dancing of the Americas.) . (General Education Code(s): IM.) | |||
LALS 79 | Hip Hop History/Historia Hip Hop | Lower Division1 | 5 Units |
Exploration of key themes in Latin American history through the medium of hip hop. Students analyze prevalent historical patterns that speak to shared experiences across the Americas. Course content is divided into weekly modules that move thematically through topics including struggles for social and political citizenship, structural mechanisms of exclusion, and anti-imperialist activisms. Also includes reading primary historical documents and engaging in textual analysis of both archival and contemporary texts. Readings equip students to critically interpret elements of hip-hop culture from contemporary Latin America and the Caribbean including MCing, graffiti, and hip hop as the production of knowledge. . (General Education Code(s): TA.) | |||
LALS 79S | Hip Hop Historia | Lower Division1 | 5 Units |
Taught in Spanish. Exploration of key themes in Latin American history through the medium of hip hop. Students analyze prevalent historical patterns that speak to shared experiences across the Americas. Course content is divided into weekly modules that move thematically through topics including struggles for social and political citizenship, structural mechanisms of exclusion, and anti-imperialist activisms. Also includes reading primary historical documents and engaging in textual analysis of both archival and contemporary texts. Readings equip students to critically interpret elements of hip-hop culture from contemporary Latin America and the Caribbean including MCing, graffiti, and hip hop as the production of knowledge. . (General Education Code(s): TA.) | |||
LALS 80D | Political Change in Mexico | Lower Division1 | 5 Units |
Reviews broad trends in contemporary Mexican politics against the backdrop of long-term historical, social, and economic change throughout the 20th century, analyzing how power is both wielded from above and created from below. The course covers national politics, grassroots movements for social change and democratization, environmental challenges, indigenous movements, the media, and the politics of immigration and North American integration. (Also offered as Oakes College 80D. Students cannot receive credit for both courses.) (General Education Code(s): CC.) | |||
LALS 80E | Latin American Philosophy | Lower Division1 | 5 Units |
Is there a general school of philosophy endemic to Latin America? Would it have to appeal to quintessential Western philosophical questions regarding knowledge, values, and reality? If not, why not, and would it then still count as philosophy? What difference do ethnic and national diversity, as well as strong political and social inequality, make to the development of philosophical questions and frameworks? Course explores a variety of historically situated Latin American thinkers who investigate ethnic identity, gender, and socio-political inequality and liberation, and historical memory, and who have also made important contributions to mainstream analytical and continental philosophy. (Also offered as Philosophy 80E. Students cannot receive credit for both courses.) | |||
LALS 80F | Latinos in the U.S.: A Comparative Perspective | Lower Division1 | 5 Units |
Analyzes the Latino experience in the U.S. with a special focus on strategies for economic and social empowerment. Stresses the multiplicity of the U.S. Latino community, drawing comparative lessons from Cuban-American, Puerto Rican, Chicano/Mexicano, and Central American patterns of economic participation and political mobilization. (General Education Code(s): ER.) | |||
LALS 80H | Comparative Latina/o Histories | Lower Division1 | 5 Units |
Designed to survey recent works in the field of Latina and Latino histories, with particular emphasis on historiographical approaches and topics in the field. Readings are chosen to expose a selection of the varied histories and cultures of Latina/os in the U.S., and focus primarily on Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, and Cubans. (General Education Code(s): CC.) | |||
LALS 80J | Race, Nation, and War | Lower Division1 | 5 Units |
Evaluates the relationship between processes of racial formation, war, and nationalism in Latin America. Case studies range from the wars of independence to more recent forms of transnational violence. Students engage historical and anthropological perspectives and critiques of modernity. (General Education Code(s): ER.) | |||
LALS 80P | Environment and Society in Latin America | Lower Division1 | 5 Units |
Examines the implications of environmental degradation and resource extraction for economic growth and social inequality in Latin America. Course focuses on the connections between race, ethnicity, power, poverty, and environmental problems. (General Education Code(s): PE-E.) | |||
LALS 80S | Sexualities and Genders in Latin American and Latina/o Studies | Lower Division1 | 5 Units |
Introduction to issues and themes surrounding sexualities and genders within Latin American and Latina/o studies. Provides background in the basic theoretical and historical frameworks of gender and its relationship to sexuality. In addition to cross-border perspectives, course also examines how gender and sexuality are structured and experienced through other social categories. Enrollment limited to 80. (General Education Code(s): CC.) | |||
LALS 80X | Central American Peoples and Cultures | Lower Division1 | 5 Units |
Examines contemporary societies and peoples of Central America considering how, in recent decades, media, history, war, cultural production, and migration have shaped Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica both as individual nations and as a region. (General Education Code(s): CC.) | |||
LALS 90 | Contemporary Brazil | Lower Division1 | 5 Units |
Introduces issues affecting contemporary Brazilian society and culture, such as the legacy of slavery and persisting social, racial, and gender inequities. Analyses of how different representations of Brazil sustain distinctive national projects, which, in turn, attribute specific meanings to blackness, whiteness, masculinity, femininity, and upper- and lower-class identities. (General Education Code(s): ER.) | |||
LALS 94X | Mother Earth, Capitalism, and Crises | Lower Division1 | 5 Units |
With a focus on the Americas, this course introduces students into the debates about the causes and solutions to the twinned crisis of global climate change and rising inequality. . (General Education Code(s): PE-E.) | |||
LALS 95 | Undergraduate Research Seminar | Lower Division1 | 2 Units |
Seminar for undergraduates participating in the Cultivamos Excelencia program supporting the development of students as researchers and active participants in academic communities; including lectures on disciplinary methods by participating faculty, work-in-progress sessions for mentors and student researchers, and workshops on formulating research questions, developing a research plan, writing a research paper, and professional development. Enrollment is by instructor permission. | |||
LALS 100 | Concepts and Theories in Latin American and Latina/o Studies | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Lays the conceptual, theoretical, and analytical groundwork for subsequent LALS upper-division courses. Examines key concepts and major theoretical frameworks within the interdisciplinary fields of Latin American studies and Latina/o/e/x studies, with particular emphasis on the power and value of bridging them. First third of the course explores theories, concepts, and practices in Latin American studies. Second third considers theories, concepts, and practices in Latina/o/e/x studies. Final third examines the rich new understandings and perspectives allowed when we bridge the interdisciplinary fields of Latin American and Latina/o/e/x studies. Taken together, these three sections of the course form the foundation of LALS. Prior or concurrent enrollment in an introductory LALS course is highly recommended. . Enrollment is restricted to sophomores, juniors, and seniors. (General Education Code(s): ER.) | |||
LALS 100A | Research in LALS | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Introduces research design and methods in the interdisciplinary field of LALS. Combines the analysis of existing LALS research with hands-on experience in a range of research strategies: reading archives, administering surveys, interviewing, conducting participant observations, analyzing quantitative data, and interpreting texts. Students also learn the overall process of designing a research project, from formulating research questions to writing a critical literature review to the effective presentation of research findings. This course emphasizes research oriented toward the pursuit of social change and social justice. (Formerly Social Science Analytics.) Prerequisite(s): satisfaction of the ELWR requirements. Concurrent enrollment in LALS 100L is required. Enrollment is restricted to sophomore, junior, and senior Latin American and Latino studies majors, minors, and combined majors or by permission. | |||
LALS 100L | Research in LALS Lab | Upper Division2 | 1 Units |
Course provides hands-on training in the design of a research project and in the principal methods used in LALS. (Formerly Social Science Analytics Lab.) Prerequisite(s): satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing and Composition requirements. Concurrent enrollment in LALS 100A is required. | |||
LALS 112 | Immigration and Assimilation | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Examines immigration to U.S. from colonial era to present with special emphasis on issues of citizenship, social identities, and social membership. (General Education Code(s): ER.) | |||
LALS 113 | Criminality, Migration, and Abolition | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Traces abolitionist genealogies from the Black Radical Tradition and anti-slavery rebellions to the anti-carceral movement against the prison industrial complex. Focuses on the origins of U.S. criminality and carcerality in conjunction with the inception of U.S. detention practices and immigration policy. Explores emergent interventions such as abolition feminism, abolish ICE, and abolition discourse from the margins to the mainstream. | |||
LALS 122 | Media and Nationalism | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Evaluates the links between media and the production of national identities in Latin America. Focuses on theories of nationalism, media, and globalization to examine the production of national histories and representations. Enrollment is restricted to juniors and seniors. Enrollment limited to 48. | |||
LALS 126 | Digit@l Americ@s/Digit@l Latin@s | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Examines how social media reconfigures daily lives, cultures, and economies and explores how recent leaps in communication technologies breed digital divides and new forms of activism. . (General Education Code(s): PE-T.) | |||
LALS 127 | Genero, Nacion Y Modernidad En El Cine | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Taught in Spanish. Examines the relationship between cinema, gender, the nation, and modernity. Focusing on films by key women filmmakers in Latino and Latin America, the seminar examines their engagement with identity, cultural imaginaries, coloniality, sexuality, and gender. Enrollment is restricted to Latin American and Latino studies majors, minors and combined majors. | |||
LALS 128 | Latino Media in the U.S | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Explores the history and practice of Latino media in the U.S. with an emphasis on work created by, for, with, and about Latino constituencies. Course highlights the role that media plays in struggles for social change, political enfranchisement, creative self-expression, and cultural development. Course content varies with instructor. (Also offered as Oakes College 128. Students cannot receive credit for both courses.) (General Education Code(s): IM.) | |||
LALS 129 | America Latina: Cine, Dictadura y Memoria | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Taught in Spanish. Analyzes and compares the rise of authoritarian regimes throughout Latin America in the 20th century through selected films and documentaries. Themes include U.S. foreign policy toward the region, ethnic cleansing, neoliberalism, and memory/resistance/reconciliation through artistic representations. (General Education Code(s): IM.) | |||
LALS 129S | Memoria en Las Americas | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Taught in Spanish. Examines the ways memories have been created, protected, organized, and suppressed in Latin America, focusing specifically on the cultural technologies involved. Addresses the following questions: What do we remember and why? Who gets to remember? Who decides what is remembered? What does memory mean for our understanding of ourselves and the places we live? The purpose of this course is to provide students with intellectual tools to read against the grain of what becomes legitimized as official and hegemonic knowledge. . | |||
LALS 131 | Latino Literatures: Assimilation and Assimilability | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Explores assimilation and assimilability in the United States, especially as related to the education and languages of Latinos, via literary forms, such as the memoir, novel, essay, short fiction, film, and/or poetry. (Meets the methods requirement in Latin America and Latino studies.) (General Education Code(s): TA.) | |||
LALS 133 | Latina/o Art and Representation | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Focus on art forms and visual representations of Latina/os in the United States. Emphasis on visual art created by artists associated with the Chicano/o movement and the Central American diaspora. Topics include cultural identity, murals, public art, and fine art. | |||
LALS 135 | El Salvador: Expresiones Culturales | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Course taught in Spanish. Focuses on El Salvador, with attention to cultural expressions and representations, literature, historical perspectives, and contemporary societies. . | |||
LALS 136 | Tourism, Culture, and Identity | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Interdisciplinary study of tourism in Latin America and its interconnections with culture, power, and identity. Examines contemporary trends of tourism (ethnic tourism, diaspora tourism, sex tourism, and “favela tours”) and explores how regional, national, and transnational identities shape and are shaped by tourism. Enrollment is restricted to juniors and seniors. | |||
LALS 137 | Speculative Fiction and Chicanafuturism | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Explores the intersection of race, gender, science, technology, the environment, and the future in speculative fiction by and about Latinxs, migrants, and people of color. . (General Education Code(s): TA.) | |||
LALS 138 | Dancing the Americas | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Introduces the role dance has played and continues to play in the formation of the Americas. Students engage with a diverse range of perspectives on dance practices and analyses of ways dance has contributed to the constitution of identities and as resistance against colonial domination throughout histories of the Americas. Broadening notions of what dance is and what those who participate in dancing experience in different social, cultural and political contexts, this class is inspired by dancing bodies as bearers of socio-cultural knowledge. Class provides tools for deeper appreciation of dance as a primary human activity, as generative of socio-political identities, as negotiation with and resistance against bio-political institutions, and as a category of methods for imagining desirable futures. (Formerly Dancing in the Americas.) . (General Education Code(s): IM.) | |||
LALS 139 | Queer Indigenous Histories in the Americas | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Explores hegemonic heteronormativity, gendercide, queer Indigenous knowledge, and historical queer responses against the colonization of gender and sexuality. Students have the opportunity to engage with different research methodologies via journalism, oral history, and queer archives. Core elements include the creation of queer archives and creative writing. Students explore their potential as writers via the creation of poetry, zines, critical essays, and queer archives, which they elaborate based on the class’s materials and their personal/community experiences. (General Education Code(s): PR-C.) | |||
LALS 141 | The Underside of Green Energy Transitions in the Americas | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Explores the discursive, socio-ecological, economic, logistics, political, and cultural dimensions of specific “renewable energy industries” and “critical minerals,” attentive to the resulting “sacrifice zones.” Case studies of specific solar, wind, lithium, hydrogen, desalinization, and “sustainable copper” projects allow students to deepen their understanding of the multiple challenges faced in building just and sustainable futures. (General Education Code(s): PE-E.) | |||
LALS 143 | Race and Ethnicity | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Race and ethnicity have been–and continue to be–powerful forces shaping the U.S. experience. This course examines a range of conceptual approaches and monographic studies grounded in the history of the U.S. The readings provide various criteria for studying and understanding these phenomena. The course problematizes “race” by asking what the readings tell us about “race-making” and the reproduction of racial ideologies in specific historical contexts. Similarly, “ethnicity” is treated as a historically specific social construct. (Meets the methods requirement in Latin America and Latino studies.) (General Education Code(s): ER.) | |||
LALS 143J | Global Political Economy | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Analyzes the global, social, economic, and political forces that shape transnational, national, and regional societal formations and consequently the entire environment for social change. Examines the evolution of revolutionary struggle and its origins within and impact upon the evolving capitalist system. | |||
LALS 144 | Mexicana/Chicana Histories | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Explores current historical and theoretical writings on the lived experiences of Chicanas and Mexicana women in U.S. history. Themes include domination/resistance politics, (re)presentations, contestation, social reproduction, identity and difference. Meets the methods requirement in Latin America and Latino studies. (General Education Code(s): TA.) | |||
LALS 145 | Grassroots Social Change in Latin America | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Focuses on the analysis of collective action by underrepresented groups in Latin America. Concepts and issues include political participation and impact, gender, ethnicity and race, class, the environment, religion, non-governmental organizations, and social capital. Prerequisite(s): any two Latin American and Latino studies courses or permission of instructor; open to graduate students. Enrollment limited to 40. (General Education Code(s): CC.) | |||
LALS 147 | Violencia Cotidiana en las Americas | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Taught in Spanish. Engages a critical study of violence, social relations, and everyday life in contemporary Latin America. Focuses on the relationship between narratives and acts of violence, and the constitution and social effects of these representations. Requires proficiency in Spanish (written and spoken), and advanced reading knowledge of Spanish. (Formerly LALS 194R .) . Enrollment is restricted to junior and senior Latin American and Latino studies majors, minors, and combined majors. Enrollment limited to 25. | |||
LALS 149 | Whiteness in Latin America | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Challenges the racial hierarchy of knowledge production by making whiteness into a central object of study and scrutinizing the power that stems from its alleged invisibility. Studies whiteness in three specific Latin American countries and vis-a-vis their respective dominant national discourses: Mexico and its narratives of mestizaje, Brazil and the myth of racial democracy, and Argentina and its discourses of Europeanness. Also examines how whiteness and its ”Others” (I.e. blackness, indigeneity, and Asianness) have been imagined, embodied, avoided, and embraced in these three Latin American countries. . (General Education Code(s): TA.) | |||
LALS 150 | Afro-Latinos/as: Social, Cultural, and Political Dimensions | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Explores the lives of African descendants in the Americas, including the Caribbean. Students learn about the settlement patterns of Afro-Latinos/as and Afro-Latin Americans in the region and the ways in which African descendants negotiate their multiple identities and broaden racial frameworks in the United States and Latin America. (General Education Code(s): ER.) | |||
LALS 151 | Race & Mobility | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Focuses on the intersection between mobility and race, examining both how mobility is racially informed and how differential mobilities inform the construction of racial identities, the production of racial processes, and the representation of racialized spaces. Examining different facets of mobility—movement, meaning, and practice—course topics include: the mutual constitution between mobility and racial identities (blackness, whiteness, Latinidad, and indigeneity); white control over the mobility of ”others;” bodily movements (dancing, walking) as sites of resistance and policing; prototypical whiteness and the surveillance of non-white mobile bodies border crossing; and the intersections between racial mobility politics and gender and class dynamics. . (General Education Code(s): TA.) | |||
LALS 152 | Consumer Cultures Between the Americas | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Examines the circuits of media, commodities, and migration connecting the Americas in an age of globalization. Issues of states, transnational markets, social relations, and cultural representations addressed. Relationship between consumption, nationalism, and globalization is considered critically. (General Education Code(s): CC.) | |||
LALS 154 | Juventud in Latin America | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Introduces students to the study of youth in Latin America through discussions about theoretical approaches to youth in Latin America. Students examine the challenges, obstacles, and experiences of exclusion faced by young people in the region and learn about Latin American youth through a variety of topics, including poverty, education, culture, social movements, and COVID-19. | |||
LALS 155 | Latin American and Latino Youth Movements | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Examines the histories, structures, and practices of Latin American and Latino youth movements. Analyzes the patterns, themes, and differences of social movements using primary documents. Addresses the dynamics of age, generation, race, ethnicity, and nation. Uses youth activism to explore questions relevant to the study of contemporary social movements in the Americas. | |||
LALS 156 | Human Rights and Transitional Justice in the Americas | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Provides students with an introduction to the emerging scholarly field of transitional justice. Examines transitional justice in a broad sense and through elected case studies. Prerequisite(s): LALS 1. Enrollment is restricted to junior and senior Latin American and Latino studies majors, minors, and combined majors. (General Education Code(s): CC.) | |||
LALS 157 | Revoluciones Sociales | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Taught in Spanish. Examines major social upheavals in Latin America since 1900, exploring “revolution” as a distinctive form of social conflict and change. Analyzes political, economic, social, and cultural conditions that gave rise to, and linked, revolutions across the Americas. Enrollment limited to 48. | |||
LALS 158 | Latin American Political Economy | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Explores and applies basic tools of Latin American political economy to map the evolution of the region’s main patterns of economic growth and accompanying social structures across past centuries. Reviews the effects of neoliberal capitalist globalization on contemporary Latin America, resistance to destructive consequences, and the nature of emerging alternatives. | |||
LALS 159 | Critical Approaches to International Development | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Introduces critical approaches to topics in international development, based on an understanding of development as a fundamentally power-ridden field. The first half of the course examines how the idea of the underdeveloped Third World has been produced, exploring topics such as global governance for poverty reduction, transnational actors, foreign aid, neoliberalism, and shifting policy focus on international development. The second half is devoted to case studies on gender mainstreaming, extractivism, diversity, and the financialization of the social. . (General Education Code(s): ER.) | |||
LALS 161P | Theater in the “Chicano Power” Movement | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Covers the rise of Teatro Chicano as a cultural-political force within the 1960’s “Chicano Power” Movement starting with founding playwriter Luis Valdez and El Teatro Campesino and covering Chicana/o playwrights inspired by the movement, e.g. Cherrie Moraga, Luis Alfaro, and Josefina Lopez. (Also offered as Theater Arts 161P. Students cannot receive credit for both courses.) (General Education Code(s): ER.) | |||
LALS 161R | Theatre of American Cultures: Fighting Oppression | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Course uses theory and practice to explore Theater of the Oppressed (T.O.), a humanist theatrical form with its roots in social justice that breaks the boundary between audience and stage. Through audience participation as “spect-actors” everyone is invited to move from passive to active to imagine and embody social change. Led by jokers (who “difficultate” rather than “facilitate”), T.O. has been used by groups around the world to explore, understand, and fight back against a wide range of oppressions. Students practice the games, techniques, methodology, and practical application of this activist theater form, explore the oxymoron of a T.O. class at UCSC, and discover what is possible when we become active creators of knowledge through theater. (Formerly Theater of American Cultures.) (Also offered as Theater Arts 161R. Students cannot receive credit for both courses.) (General Education Code(s): IM.) | |||
LALS 163 | The Amazon: Cultures and Perspectives | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Examines the peoples and cultures of lowland South America, particularly the historical, economic, and environmental processes that have shaped the Amazonian region. Students acquire tools to critically approach traditional representations of Amazonian cultures and understand their relevance to global issues. . (General Education Code(s): CC.) | |||
LALS 164 | Afro-Diasporic and Indigenous Spirituality | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Through comparative methods, this course explores the many ways Afro and Indigenous populations cultivated spiritual connections to and with death and nature. More specifically, we address the ways displacement, forced migration, and enslavement have affected Black and Indigenous peoples’ exchange with the land, the water, and the cosmos from the early colonial period through the present. This course focuses specifically on Afro-descended and Indigenous populations in Brazil, Mexico, and Peru. . (General Education Code(s): CC.) | |||
LALS 165 | Contemporary Peru | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Explores contemporary issues facing Peru by addressing the formation of the state and the country’s troubled history with political and state violence. Students learn about Peru’s multicultural/racial population and about ongoing conflicts and hopes for the country today. (General Education Code(s): CC.) | |||
LALS 166 | Shamanism and Healing | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Shamanism is a dynamic cultural institution that approaches non-ordinary or alternate states of consciousness as meaningful sites of knowledge. Course focuses on shamanism as practiced in indigenous and mestizo cultures across western Amazonia, where shamanic healing is most frequently accompanied with the ritual use of hallucinogenic brews. Topics covered include the diagnostic, curative, trance, and medical aspects of shamanism; shamanism as an anticolonial expression of political power and agency; and shamanism in Latin American expressive and visual cultures. | |||
LALS 167 | Global Latinidades | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Analyzes issues of globalization, culture, and representation in order to understand the meanings and emergence of Global Latinidades. Evaluates and discusses the formation of global and Latin/o/a/e/x subjects within and beyond the United States, Latin America, Europe, and other regions through texts about transnationalism, visual culture, celebrity culture, spaces of consumption, and related topics. Although course focuses on specific case studies, a broad and critical perspective on these issues will be developed as well. (General Education Code(s): CC.) | |||
LALS 168 | Inter-American Solidarities | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Examines the history of various forms of connection between people, governments, cultures, and social movements across the Americas. From military intervention to transnational anti-imperialist agendas to contemporary artistic collaboration, many forms of foreign relations have shaped the American hemisphere. (Formerly Inter-American Relations.) . (General Education Code(s): TA.) | |||
LALS 169 | South America: History, Society, and Culture | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Examines the southernmost region of South America, commonly referred to as the Southern Cone, exploring the historical trajectories of Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, and southern Brazil, from independence through the end of the 20th century. (General Education Code(s): TA.) | |||
LALS 170 | Indigenous Struggles in the Americas | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Focuses on the way Natives of First Peoples have interacted voluntarily and involuntarily with nonindigenous cultures. Examines their perspectives, thoughts, frustrations, and successes. Touches on land issues and examines the way current indigenous cultures of Latin America face and adapt to social change. Focuses mainly on the Andes, lowland Amazon, Mesoamerica, and other areas. (General Education Code(s): TA.) | |||
LALS 171 | Brazil in Black and White | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Taught in Portuguese. Examines blackness and whiteness in Brazil through the lens of the intersectionality of race, gender, and class identities. Topics include: national narratives of racial democracy, racism, black activism, and the emerging studies of whiteness in Brazil. (General Education Code(s): ER.) | |||
LALS 172 | Visualizing Human Rights | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Explores how visual artists take up the subject of human rights in response to urgent challenges facing Latina/o and Latin American communities across the Americas. Examines the imprint of film and media arts reshaping human-rights discourse. Considers persistent themes in Latina/o representation, including colonialism and state terrorism; self-representation and the rights of collectives (racial, ethnic, and sexual groups); social and economic rights. (Meets the methods requirement in Latin America and Latino studies.) | |||
LALS 174 | Latinx Health and Environmental Justice | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Explores how Latinx communities experience and shape their natural and modified environments, and how this intersects with their health conditions, cultural practices, and political activism. Students learn about the health and social impacts of environmental degradation, extractivist policies, and the role that climate change is playing in exacerbating health inequalities among Latinx communities across the United States and Latin America. Students examine the importance of grassroots activism and community engagement in pursuing environmental justice and sustainability. (Also offered as Global and Community Health 174. Students cannot receive credit for both courses.) (General Education Code(s): PE-E.) | |||
LALS 175 | Migration, Gender, and Health | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Through an interdisciplinary, cross-border approach, examines complex nature of Latino health in relation to migration and how women and men experience health problems differently. Examines how health problems are created by economic and social conditions, how migrants experience access to care, and how agencies can design culturally sensitive programs. (General Education Code(s): ER.) | |||
LALS 176 | Reproductive Justice and the Border | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Examines the role of reproductive injustice and violence (such as medical apartheid, eugenics, and sexual violence) as a cornerstone in U.S. nation-state formation and its territorial boundaries. Historicizes reproductive violence as a strategy of border control and immigration enforcement informing contemporary immigration debates such as family separation, family detention, and the coerced hysterectomies of migrant women. Explores the foundational theories of the reproductive justice movement and women of color organizing. | |||
LALS 177 | Migrant Health and Social Justice | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Conceptualizes the socio-economic, political, racial, cultural, and environmental factors that influence health conditions among migrant Latinx communities. Explores health-related issues among Latinx migrant communities already established in the United States as well as those in transit. Examines the negative health consequences of various U.S. policies, including migrant policing, deportation, asylum, and the global drug war. Students read and discuss texts from public health, medical anthropology to explore the concepts of structural violence, structural vulnerability, ecosocial theory, and social determinants of health as these relate to the migrant Latinx community. Students also discuss the relevance of solidarity and activist research methods used to challenge health inequities impacting migrant Latinxs. (General Education Code(s): SI.) | |||
LALS 178 | Gender, Transnationalism, and Globalization | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Focuses on the impact of globalization and transnationalism on gender relations in the Americas. Examines gender and power in the context of neoliberalism, modernity, the nation, social movements, and activism. Explores local and transnational constructions of gender, and the intersection of gender with race, ethnicity, class, and sexuality. Enrollment limited to 40. (General Education Code(s): ER.) | |||
LALS 179 | Environmental Racism in Latin America | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Environmental racism is a structural obstacle to achieving environmental and social justice globally. With a focus on Latin America, this course explores how environmental discourses have shaped everyday life, how the power of race and racism have advanced a colonial relationship in the region. Students learn about the role of race in shaping Latin American societies, and how this is deeply connected to racialized territories, and reflect on their understanding of the inter-relationship between environmental racism and environmental justice across the Americas region. | |||
LALS 180 | Borders: Real and Imagined | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Situates “The Border” historically and within the context of U.S. imperialism. Examines the formalization of political “borders,” methods of enforcement, and intra-group conflicts. Examines the varied experiences of colonialism and immigration between Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Native Americans, and Cubans. Explores how the tools of “The Border” and “Borderlands” are being used to untangle the roles of race prejudice and sexual and gender discrimination. (Meets the methods requirement in Latin America and Latino studies.) (General Education Code(s): TA.) | |||
LALS 181 | Forced Migrations | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Examines forced migrations to and within the Americas prior to the invention of national borders. Focuses on African and Indigenous slave trades, penal deportations, and their connections to colonialism and racial thought. Trains students in the analysis of historical research, the interpretation of historical documents, and the use of digital mapping software. . (General Education Code(s): TA.) | |||
LALS 183 | Ecologías Hemisféricas | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Students complete readings and guided research on key topics in tropical ecology (using a Spanish language Ecología Tropical textbook), and are trained to use various tools (traditional analog as well as digital) related to natural history field observations and species identification. Students couple these topical and skill-building foci with more traditionally LALS-framed humanities and social science readings. The goal is to link guiding frameworks and conceptual pillars of LALS to the way we see and interpret beyond-human worlds/ecologies of this hemisphere. (General Education Code(s): SI.) | |||
LALS 184S | Global Seminar: Latin American Spain | Upper Division2 | 6 Units |
Long a nation of emigrants, Spain has become a migrant-receiving country in the 21st century. The majority of migrants hail from Latin America. Who are they, why have they migrated to Spain, how are they received there, and what might they have in common with Latinxs in the United States? This course addresses these questions by examining Spain’s legacy as an imperial power in the Americas and the ways Latin Americans are transforming Spanish society and culture. (General Education Code(s): CC.) | |||
LALS 186 | Field Research Methods | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Introduction to field research methods that consider theory, methodological challenges, and epistemology in conducting research. Explains the research process, including designing research questions, interview instruments, concepts maps, and methods of data collection, and data analysis. (Meets the methods requirement in Latin America and Latino studies.) (Also offered as Sociology 186. Students cannot receive credit for both courses.) Prerequisite(s): LALS 100; and LALS 100A or LALS 100W. Enrollment is restricted to junior and senior Latin American and Latino studies majors, minors, and combined majors and Sociology majors. | |||
LALS 187F | Human Rights Investigations Lab | Upper Division2 | 2 Units |
Weekly seminar with an applied lab where students are trained in the fundamentals of social media literacy skills and analysis, gain an understanding of the context for socio-political conflicts in the Americas region, and consider the ethics of engaging in human rights media research using open source. Students learn how to locate, verify, and analyze digital media for human rights cases using open source investigation tools. Various assignments focus on the region of the Americas. Students prepare and produce human rights social media reports. Enrollment is by permission of the instructor. May be repeated for credit. | |||
LALS 187L | Human Rights Investigations Lab | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Weekly seminar with an applied lab where students are trained in the fundamentals of social media literacy skills and analysis, gain an understanding of the context for socio-political conflicts in the Americas region, and the consider the ethics of engaging in human rights media research using open source. Students will learn how to locate, verify, and analyze digital media for human rights cases using open source investigation tools. Various assignments focus on the region of the Americas. Students prepare and produce human rights social media reports. Enrollment is by permission of the instructor. . May be repeated for credit. | |||
LALS 194A | Immigrant Storytelling | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Examines first-person narratives by migrants, paying close attention to storytelling as a strategy for fomenting cultural, social, and political change. In addition to reading literary and visual texts, student complete a final project based on original research. Prerequisite(s): LALS 100, and LALS 100A, and previous or concurrent enrollment in LALS 100B. Enrollment is restricted to junior and senior Latin American and Latino studies majors and combined majors. Enrollment limited to 25. | |||
LALS 194B | Global Migration and Displacement | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Examines the global history of migrating people, things, and ideas. Focuses primarily on case studies of mass migration and displacement in 19th and 20th centuries. Students analyze processes of migration in the Americas within a broader global context. Prerequisite(s): LALS 100, and LALS 100A, and previous or concurrent enrollment in LALS 100B. Enrollment is restricted to junior and senior Latin American and Latino studies majors and combined majors. Enrollment limited to 25. | |||
LALS 194E | Unfree Migrations | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Examines forced migrations to and within the Americas prior to the 20th century, with a focus on African and indigenous slave trades, indentured servitude, convict labor, and contract labor. Students address the implications and memories of those migrations today. . Prerequisite(s): LALS 100, and LALS 100A, and previous or concurrent enrollment in LALS 100B. Enrollment is restricted to junior and senior Latin American and Latino studies majors and combined majors. Enrollment limited to 25. (General Education Code(s): TA.) | |||
LALS 194F | Digital Investigations and Human Rights Witnessing | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Explores the emerging field of digital investigations and the concept of human rights witnessing. Within the context of the impact of social media and digital technologies, course explores how ethics, power, and social inequalities affect everyday life in the digital realm, including its use to share stories of injustice and the ways access to social media and other technology is a reflection of societal inequalities. In what ways has the digital divide become more evident due to the COVID-19 pandemic? And finally, in what ways does repeatedly viewing traumatic posts online affect our well-being? . (Also offered as Cowell College 161E. Students cannot receive credit for both courses.) Prerequisite(s): LALS 100, and LALS 100A, and previous or concurrent enrollment in LALS 100B. Enrollment is restricted to junior and senior Latin American and Latino studies majors and combined majors. Enrollment limited to 25. (General Education Code(s): PE-T.) | |||
LALS 194G | Chile: Social and Political Change | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Analysis of Chilean politics and society from the election of Salvador Allende in 1970 to the present. Particular emphasis is given to understanding the different forces, internal as well as external, that broke the Chilean tradition of democratic rule in 1973, and to the current configuration. . Enrollment is restricted to junior and senior Latin American and Latino studies majors, minors, and combined majors. Enrollment limited to 25. (General Education Code(s): CC.) | |||
LALS 194H | Central America and the United States | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
This senior seminar focuses on the connections between Central America and the United States. Covers Central American history, the political and economic relations between the isthmus and the United States, and Central American media and literature. (Formerly Central American Political Relations with the U.S.) Prerequisite(s): satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing and Composition requirements. Enrollment is restricted to junior and senior Latin American and Latino studies majors, minors, and combined majors. Enrollment limited to 25. | |||
LALS 194L | Senior Seminar Research Development Lab | Upper Division2 | 2 Units |
Provides hands-on guidance in the research and communication skills related to the LALS 194 Senior Seminar. Prerequisite(s): Concurrent enrollment in one of the LALS 194 series. Enrollment limited to 25. May be repeated for credit. | |||
LALS 194R | Latinx Science Fiction | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
This course uses science fiction to explore themes, concerns, and questions in Latinx studies, particularly as related to race, coloniality, gender, sexuality, class, labor, and migration. By training students how to read attentively, to think critically and analytically, and to produce and evaluate interpretations, this five-unit course fulfills UC Santa Cruz’s Textual Analysis and Interpretation (TA) requirement. Enrollment is limited to Latin American and Latino Studies majors, with priority going to graduating seniors. Enrollment is restricted to Latin American and Latino Studies majors. (General Education Code(s): TA.) | |||
LALS 194S | Nature/Cultures of Latin America | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Students explore and apply ”ecocentric” perspectives, and theories such as ”natureculture” (introduced by feminist scholar Donna Haraway) as a means of building our own transdisciplinary approach to worlds beyond strictly human social configurations. Course incorporates a broad range of assigned reading and audiovisual resources. Seminar participants engage in class discussions, activities, and guided opportunities for natural history field observations. Course is divided into three topical modules, each of which has the dual purpose of introducing students to scholarship and methods relating to multi-species academic inquiry, and guiding the class through the conception, development, and writing of a relevant research project. Course is taught in tandem with LALS 194L, where students have further support in the multi-stage execution of their research projects. | |||
LALS 194T | Youth and Citizenship | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Explores multiple and contested meanings of youth and citizenship; how youth, civic, and political identities are imagined, produced and negotiated in social and cultural locations; and how different versions of Latina/o youth citizenship are promoted and articulated by social and political institutions. Prerequisite(s): LALS 100, LALS 100A, and LALS 100L. Enrollment is restricted to junior and senior Latin American and Latino studies majors and combined majors. Concurrent enrollment in LALS 194L required. | |||
LALS 194V | Comparative Migration Histories in the Americas | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Traces major historical patterns of migration and related processes in the Americas over the past two centuries. Covers the social, cultural, political, and economic factors that drive and shape the movements of people and considers the ways migration has impacted the sending, transit, and receiving societies. Over the quarter, students come to understand major historical forces of migration that inform our contemporary world, including citizenship, urbanization, identity formations, globalization, and neoliberalism. Enrollment is restricted to seniors. Enrollment limited to 25. | |||
LALS 194X | Extractivism and Socio-Environmental Conflicts in the Americas | Upper Division2 | 5 Units |
Explores, in-depth, how local communities, transnational capital, and state participate in conflicts anchored in extractive sectors, for example, mining, agro-exports, and so on. Through digital-based, case-study research, students identify and explore the logics of action, strategic interests, and the rhetoric of the principal protagonists in socio-ecological conflicts. Enrollment is restricted to juniors and seniors. | |||
LALS 200 | Bridging Latin American and Latina/o Studies | Graduate3 | 5 Units |
Provides historical and analytical foundations for the inter/transdisciplinary and transnational project of bridging the fields of Latin American and Latino studies (area and ethnic studies). Explores social, cultural, economic, and political changes connecting Latin America and U.S. Latina/o communities. Traces the intellectual genealogy of these efforts and how they contribute to each other. Introduces students to LALS’ four substantive themes: (1) Transnationalisms, Migrations, and Displacement; (2) Intersectionality, Identities, and Inequalities; (3) Collective Action, Social Movements, and Social Change; and (4) Culture, Power, and Knowledge. Core requirement for students pursuing the Designated Emphasis in Latin American and Latino studies. . Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. | |||
LALS 200A | Power and Structure in the Américas | Graduate3 | 5 Units |
Examines historical processes and contemporary social, cultural, and political structures in the Américas. Explores power as a mesh that interweaves relations of exploitation/domination/conflict aimed at controlling different dimensions of social existence. Places particular emphasis on the nature of capitalist development in the Américas, colonialism, imperialism/anti-imperialism, nationalism/ transnationalism/ plurinationalism, and neoliberalism. Builds a contextual foundation for conceptual inquiry in the department’s four substantive themes. (Formerly Power and Society.) . Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. Enrollment limited to 15. | |||
LALS 200B | Cultures and Subjectivities in the Américas | Graduate3 | 5 Units |
Introduces theoretical frameworks that explore the relationships between culture, power, and subjectivities. Emphasizes developing interdisciplinary, interpretive, and analytic skills and engages foundational critical approaches including queer theory, border theory, subaltern studies, intersectionality, feminisms, and critical race theory. (Formerly Theories of Culture in the Americas.) . Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. Enrollment limited to 15. | |||
LALS 201 | Research in Practice | Graduate3 | 5 Units |
Problematizes the construction of research approaches in the interdisciplinary field of Latin American and Latino studies, and showcases particular approaches in the social sciences and humanities so students may engage in innovative, transnational research. (Formerly Research in Praxis: Epistemology, Ontology, and Ethics.) . Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. Enrollment limited to 15. | |||
LALS 202 | Latin/o American Spaces and Modernity | Graduate3 | 5 Units |
Students engage and discuss texts that examine the relationship between space, narratives, and ideas of the modern nation, along with critical studies that highlight the social effects of imaginaries and representations. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. Enrollment limited to 15. | |||
LALS 203 | Latin American Social Movements | Graduate3 | 5 Units |
Grounds students in the social science literature on Latin American social movements, integrating anthropological, sociological, and political science approaches to the field. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. Enrollment limited to 15. | |||
LALS 204 | Migration, Borders, and Borderlands | Graduate3 | 5 Units |
Explores concepts and approaches related to migration; the multiple types of borders that migrants transcend–geopolitical, social, cultural, or interpersonal; and borderland formations constructed in relation to bodies in motion. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. Enrollment limited to 15. | |||
LALS 205 | Comparison as Method | Graduate3 | 5 Units |
Brings together comparative studies of physical and social mobility with a focus on race, migration, and citizenship. Both an articulation and study of comparison, course is organized around three components: comparative borders; comparative migration; and comparative ethnic studies. The questions animating it include: What happens when different histories, places, and peoples are compared? How and why do scholars in the humanities and humanistic social sciences compare? What are the strengths and challenges of a comparative approach? (Formerly offered as Comparative Mobilities.) . Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. Enrollment limited to 15. | |||
LALS 206 | Queer Cuba | Graduate3 | 5 Units |
Seminar that engages social, political, and cultural histories of homosexuality in Cuba, focusing on LGBT ostracism and activism after 1959, with particular attention to the social and economic impact of the developments of the USSR on Cuba’s LGBT population. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. Enrollment limited to 15. | |||
LALS 207 | Youth Cultures, Global Capitalism, and Social Change | Graduate3 | 5 Units |
Introduces intellectual histories of youth studies scholarship in the context of Latin American and Latino studies; explores young people’s lived experiences of racialized capitalism and globalization; and addresses various forms of youth “resistance” and the relationship between youth cultures, politics, and social change. Enrollment is restricted graduate students. Enrollment limited to 15. | |||
LALS 208 | Politics of Childhood and Youth | Graduate3 | 5 Units |
Explores how narratives about children, teens, youth, and students are imbued with political significance, and the ways young people are actively engaged in political practices. Considers how representations and lived experiences of youth can serve to reproduce and/or challenge inequalities. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. Enrollment limited to 15. | |||
LALS 210 | Latina Feminisms: Theory and Practice | Graduate3 | 5 Units |
Through an interdisciplinary approach, explores Latina feminist social theory and scholarly practice—especially in representation and interpretation of Latina experiences. Examining key texts at different historical junctures, charts how Latinas of varied ethnic, class, sexual, or racialized social locations have constructed oppositional and/or relational theories and alternative epistemologies or political scholarly interventions and, in the process, have problematized borders, identities, cultural expressions, and coalitions. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. | |||
LALS 211 | Paradigms of Race/Color, Sexuality, and Culture in Latin America | Graduate3 | 5 Units |
Explores foundational texts by Latin American intellectuals that have served to construct and sustain continental, regional, national, and transnational cartographies of identities and the search for lo americano. Examines race/color, sexuality, and culture by tracing their narrative and conceptual (trans)formations in the region and its diaspora. Most texts are read in the original language of publication. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. Enrollment limited to 15. | |||
LALS 212 | Latina/o Ethnographic Practice | Graduate3 | 5 Units |
Explores the social construction of Latino cultures in their varied regional, national-ethic, and gendered contexts. Examines how culture, as a dynamic process constructed with a historical context of hierarchical relations of group power, is interrelated to the structural subordination of Latinos. Focuses on how power relations create a context for the creation of specific Latino cultural expressions and processes. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. | |||
LALS 213 | Historical Methods in LALS | Graduate3 | 5 Units |
Seminar introducing graduate students to the “how” of historical research methods, specifically, their application to interdisciplinary investigations in Latin American and Latino Studies. Focuses on different key methods within the broader umbrella of historical research and writing including: the implementation of critical archival approaches, conducting oral histories, digital tools in historical research and dissemination, and public history and interpretation. Also discusses topics of interdisciplinarity in historically grounded and historiographic research/writing, practical organizational strategies for data collection and storage, and the bureaucracy of preparing a research plan that involves work at archives or other institutional contexts. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. | |||
LALS 215 | Latina Cultural Studies: Culture, Power, and Coloniality | Graduate3 | 5 Units |
Examines the theories and practices informing the field of Latina cultural studies in the Americas. For students pursuing the Designated Emphasis in Latin American and Latino studies and students with interest in theories of coloniality of power, decolonialism, intercultural and transnational feminist methodologies. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. | |||
LALS 219 | Central America: Intellectuals, Histories, and Futures | Graduate3 | 5 Units |
Provides students in LALS and related fields with an opportunity to engage theoretical frameworks and examine a range of intellectual currents that have shaped economic, social, and cultural processes in Central America from the late 1800s to the present. Readings include a range of scholarship and critical studies in order to analyze the roles of intellectuals and how their ideas circulated in the isthmus and beyond. Evaluates the roles of institutions, political ideologies, media, and modernity in the constitution and propagation of intellectual networks, how these shape popular attitudes in everyday life, and the futures of the Central American isthmus. . | |||
LALS 220 | Transnational Civil Society: Limits and Possibilities | Graduate3 | 5 Units |
Analyzes social, civic, and political actors that come together across borders to constitute transnational civil society, drawing from political sociology, political economy, comparative politics, and anthropology to address collective identity formation, collective action, institutional impacts, and political cultures. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. | |||
LALS 225 | Race in the Americas | Graduate3 | 5 Units |
Considers historical moments in the development of “race” in the Americas to understand how “race” is given meaning and actualized through practices, beliefs, and behaviors. Interrogates theories and racial dynamics in the 19th through 21st centuries to reveal interconnections with constructions of gender and nation. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. Enrollment limited to 15. | |||
LALS 235 | Sexuality and Migration | Graduate3 | 5 Units |
Approaches the nexus of sexuality and migration to examine contemporary theories of citizenship, security, violence, and power. Drawing on case studies that center experiences at, around, and across diverse borders throughout the Americas, the course takes an intersectional approach to understand: how migration is embedded in sexual identities and practices; and how sexuality, alongside race, class, and gender, influence who migrates and under what circumstances. Examining how researchers have approached sensitive questions of sexuality, students emerge better prepared to develop future research in the broader thematic fields of transnationalism, migration, and displacement. . Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. | |||
LALS 240 | Culture and Politics of Human Rights | Graduate3 | 5 Units |
Examines cultural, philosophical, and political foundations for human rights and provides students with critical grounding in the major theoretical debates over conceptualizations of human rights in the Americas. Addresses the role of feminist activism and jurisprudence in the expansion of human rights since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Addresses challenges of accommodating gender rights, collective rights, and social and economic rights within international human rights framework. (Also offered as Feminist Studies 240. Students cannot receive credit for both courses.) Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. | |||
LALS 242 | Globalization, Transnationalism, and Gender in the Americas | Graduate3 | 5 Units |
Explores how globalization, transnationalism, and the social construction of gender are interrelated, contingent, and subject to human agency and resistance. Examines particular configurations of globalization, transnationalism, and gender through the Américas and their implications for race, space, work, social movements, migration, and construction of collective memory. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. | |||
LALS 243 | Comparative Methods | Graduate3 | 5 Units |
Introduces the comparative method in social science. Trains students in the use of this method by examining how scholars have used it to compare across national governments, subnational units, public policies, organizations, social movements, and transnational collective action. (Also offered as Politics 243. Students cannot receive credit for both courses.) Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. Enrollment limited to 15. | |||
LALS 244 | Digital Mapping and Human Geographies | Graduate3 | 5 Units |
Explores the utility of geographical information systems (GIS) for social science research. This course has three components: critical discussions of spatial analysis in published research, training in GIS software, and the application of digital mapping to students’ research projects. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. | |||
LALS 245 | Epistemologies of the South | Graduate3 | 5 Units |
Examines efforts by intellectuals from the Global South, mainly Latin America, to cast off the political, cultural, and epistemological notions imposed by European colonialism and preserved today through the practices of Western/Eurocentric knowledge, to forge their own “epistemologies of the South.” Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. Enrollment limited to 15. | |||
LALS 249 | Whiteness in Latin America | Graduate3 | 5 Units |
Examines whiteness in Latin America as a racial identity, a social condition, a set of cultural practices, a dominant standpoint, and a hyper-valued ideal. Analyzes the meanings and applicability of such concepts as ordinary whiteness, aspirational whiteness, the narcissistic pact of whiteness, the racialization of class, among others. Scrutinizes the intersections of whiteness with class, gender, nation, and language. Readings cover a wide range of Latin American countries and fields including anthropology, sociology, communication, and media and cultural studies. Enrollment is restricted to Graduate Students | |||
LALS 258 | Critical Cultural Political Economy | Graduate3 | 5 Units |
Explores how the divide between cultural studies and political economy can be resolved through a post-disciplinary approach which is attentive to how semiotic and material practices co-constitute contemporary capitalism and an ever-changing set of strategies attempting to manage its multiple contradictions. . Enrollment is restricted to graduate students, or by permission of the instructor. Enrollment limited to 15. | |||
LALS 265 | Nature, Societies, and Archives in the Americas | Graduate3 | 5 Units |
Graduate students in LALS and related fields discuss interdisciplinary texts on the interconnection between Latin American species and geographies. Takes a historically grounded approach to address a range of topics related to the study of non-human subjects in this hemisphere, such as animals, plants, fungi, and the ecologies that they co-constitute. Topics include: centering non-humans in Latin American history; critical natural histories of the hemisphere; and inhabiting, and producing knowledge about, nature in contemporary América. In addition, students choose their own related topic(s) of interest and complete a series of reflective and iterative writing assignments, culminating in a draft for (optional) future publication. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. | |||
LALS 292 | LALS Graduate Colloquim | Graduate3 | 2 Units |
Required for all LALS graduate students in residence, colloquium includes a mix of activities aimed at supporting the development of graduate students as teachers, researchers, and active participants in academic communities. Includes lectures by distinguished speakers, work-in-progress sessions for both faculty and graduate student research, pedagogical theory and practice seminars, and professional development workshops. Enollment is restricted to graduate students. Enrollment limited to 21. May be repeated for credit. | |||
LALS 294P | Pedagogical Approaches in Latin American and Latino Studies | Graduate3 | 2 Units |
Provides training for graduate students in university-level pedagogy in general and in the pedagogy of Latin American and Latino studies specifically. Coordinated by a graduate student who has had substantial experience as a teaching assistant, under the supervision of a faculty member. . Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. |
Pre-approved undergraduate elective courses
We encourage students to take pre-approved elective courses outside of LALS: up to two courses toward the LALS major/minor or up to three courses if students study abroad. For more information about study abroad and similar opportunities within the U.S., visit our Undergraduate Experiential Learning page. Find out when other programs offer their pre-approved elective courses by searching a phrase such as “UCSC literature class schedule” and looking for a link to their tentative schedule for the year.