Ph.D. and Designated Emphasis Advising

Key Contacts

Graduate Program Advisor and Coordinator Eric Sneathen is the main contact for student advising needs related to the LALS Ph.D. program, while Graduate Program Director Professor Patricia Pinho leads the faculty’s work around development of curriculum and academic policies and procedures for the program. 

Patricia Pinho

  • Title
    • Professor
  • Phone
    • 831-4594354
  • Campus Email
  • Office Location
    • Merrill College Academic Building, Merrill Faculty Building 34
Profile picture of Patricia Pinho

Eric Anthony Sneathen

  • Title
    • Graduate Program Advisor and Coordinator
  • Phone
    • 831-459-4563
  • Campus Email
  • Office Location
    • Merrill College Academic Building, Merrill 32B
Profile picture of Eric Anthony Sneathen

Graduate student representatives

Two LALS Graduate Student Representatives are elected yearly to bridge the gap between graduate students, faculty, and campus committees. LALS Graduate Student Representatives are also available to answer questions from prospective students. Each representative takes on a designated role. The Faculty-Graduate Student Liaison connects the faculty of the LALS Department with the LALS graduate student body, and the Campus-LALS Graduate Student Liaison keeps up with broader graduate student actions. 

Current representatives

Marina Dadico Amâncio de Souza, Faculty-Graduate Student Liaison
Marina (she/her/ela) is a second-year international graduate student eager to represent the graduate community and address issues impacting fellow students’ academic experiences. She is committed to ensuring a supportive and collaborative environment for all. In addition to serving as the graduate rep for LALS, Marina serves as a department representative in the Graduate Student Association (GSA) Council.

Juan Manuel Ruiz Cortes, Campus-LALS Graduate Student Liaison
Juan Manuel is a second-year Ph.D. student. He works on cultivating resources for undocumented students, theorizing about the undocumented lived experience, and respecting, valuing, and enjoying all forms of People of Color livingness. When not engaged academically, he loves playing soccer, swimming in open waters, and hiking through the forest on a rainy day. 

Ph.D. advising

Graduate student handbook (link 24-25)

The Latin American and Latino Studies (LALS) Graduate Student Handbook is available as a PDF document. This handbook provides academic and administrative guidelines and community principles for graduate students in LALS. Students can also refer to the LALS Ph.D. requirements in the general catalog for the year they were admitted.

The campus also maintains an extensive list of campus resources that may be useful for graduate students.

Enrollment expectations 

The minimum load for full-time students is 10 units of graduate and/or upper-division undergraduate coursework. The minimum load for students who have advanced to candidacy is 5 units of graduate and/or upper-division undergraduate coursework, usually LALS 299, Thesis Research. Students who enrolled in the program in Fall 2018 or later must also enroll in LALS 292 each quarter. Email to request independent study enrollment information (including instructor and credits required).

Advancement to candidacy

Due to LALS Dept. by end of 2nd year (spring quarter)

Teaching assistant resources

Designated emphasis

Students wishing to pursue the Designated Emphasis in LALS should first consult with their graduate program coordinators and faculty advisors in their home department. Students should declare their intent to undertake the LALS Designated Emphasis prior to the execution of their Qualifying Exams and apply by the end of the third year.

How to enroll

Submit the Petition to Enroll via email to Attach syllabi for any courses you plan to take outside the LALS Department. The Graduate Program Coordinator will submit the petition to the LALS Graduate Committee for approval.

Committee compositionCourses
The student must have a designated LALS advisor (DE advisor) from the Latin American and Latino studies core or affiliated faculty.

This advisor will be in addition to the faculty advisor from the student’s home department. The Latin American and Latino studies advisor must serve on the student’s QE and/or dissertation committee.
Students must submit a course plan to the LALS Graduate Committee for approval to enroll in the DE. 
Students must take five graduate courses in Latin American and Latino studies: 

– LALS 200 (required) 
– One LALS course taught by a core LALS faculty member 
– Three courses with LALS content in any UCSC department taught by core, participating, or affiliated LALS faculty.

Students who have completed all requirements for the Designated Emphasis must submit the Designated Emphasis Completion Checklist to the LALS Graduate Program Coordinator via email at

The checklist must be signed by your DE advisor and include a copy of your unofficial transcript. If you took courses other than those listed on your original Petition to Enroll, you must attach syllabi for Graduate Committee approval. Once the completion checklist is approved, the Graduate Program Coordinator will confirm your DE with the Graduate Division, and it will be listed on your degree.

Forms, petitions, and resources

Many of these forms are also available on the Graduate Division website. Email for additional assistance.

Last modified: Feb 12, 2025